Tammy Darmel Moore, Founder and President of Footprints in Africa, offers a rich history of over twenty years in Corporate America and is credited with helping enterprises flourish exponentially through her acute business acumen and strategy. Following her retirement from the corporate sector, Tammy wanted to do more to give back, and after lifechanging trip to Ethiopia, Footprints in Africa was born.
Footprints in Africa, a subsidiary of Chayil Enterprises LLC., is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to aiding the people of Africa, who live in poverty-stricken communities with necessities to maintain a standard quality of life. We believe that a single action can make all the difference in the lives of others, and collective actions can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and community outreach programs, projects, campaigns, and initiatives, we are committed to fostering support that brings about real change for the greater good of those in Africa.
What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?
It’s my WHY! It’s the knowing that I’m doing something way bigger than myself. It’s the knowledge that an organization that I founded could potentially change the lives of our brothers and sisters in Africa for generations to come. It’s the knowing that I’m equipping my African-American brothers and sisters by sharing facts and dispelling myths about the people, traditions, and culture of Africa. And in the midst of it all, it’s the knowing that I’m out here making my ancestors proud!
What would you say to a business owner that is currently struggling?
First off, know your why, why you started in the first place! And once you’ve identified your why, safeguard it, and don’t compromise because there will come a time when you will need to draw off it for self-encouragement and self-motivation.

Which people or books have had the most influence on your growth and why?
Although I can take just about any book and learn something, I would have to say, hands down, the Bible has had the most influence on my growth as a person because there’s a sense of accountability when you know better, you tend to do better, or at least you should.