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Writer's pictureAmanda Danielle

How my medical mystery became the ultimate platform inspiring women to rise

My adult years have been a “medical mystery” and that has guided my mission. I am incredibly thankful for every step of my journey as it has led me right to this moment to broadcast, inspire, and give hope to others to never ever give up.

Growing up in small town Saskatchewan, Canada, with two older brothers, I lived my whole childhood as a tomboy. Throughout the years, I was bullied, lied to, and cheated on. In my mid 20’s, I got sick. Surgeons decided the only answer to my bowel problem was a colostomy bag. I respectfully refused. I underwent a heart ablation surgery for the arrhythmic activity, which I was experiencing. The surgery was inconclusive and in recovery, my body collapsed with the stress of the procedure. The roller coaster continued with numerous emergency room visits, four colonoscopies, two endoscopes, ten ultrasounds, and numerous doctors’ appointments.

In October 2014, at a personal development workshop, I learned that my bowel issues were connected to years of stress leading back to distrust and years of hurt. After having six bowel movements in two days, which was previously unheard of in a month, I became aware that there is a connection between health and lifestyle—a connection between the mind, body, and soul, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

I had been burdened with pain for 14+ years. On February 6, 2017, I had an appointment, which placed me on an urgent list for surgery. My surgery happened on February 21, 2017, and finally there were signs of success. Recovery was far from pleasant, although I am a go-getter, with high energy and a positive mindset. The struggle was real! I lacked energy and had mood swings that were unpredictable. As I recovered, I reminisced about the medical mystery that at one time seemed impossible to cure. There I was, a 32-year-old with no children—having had a hysterectomy with the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Yet, alive and becoming healthy.

Although I am a positive influencer with years of personal development practice, during my recovery, I found myself slipping into negative self-talk, not wanting to leave the house, sleeping a lot, and struggling financially. My business was affected, along with my friendships and other relationships. I hid in baggy clothes and when I went out, I hid behind my smile. I was lonely and miserable, and I did not want to be that person.

Can you relate?

During my healing and recovery, I focused on three areas:

Rediscovering and revitalizing life within myself

Every part of my journey, even the ugly parts, were important. I did not want to depend on anything or anyone to rescue me. I was all about loving me for me and relighting my soul’s passion and focus. Taking this time alone to be still was necessary. It allowed me to truly understand what was important to my soul and how to have and share gratitude for all situations and circumstances.

Practicing self-love regardless of my situations

I decided to become aware, admit, surrender, and step back to build self-love and respect. Too often in life we hold onto grudges and resentments. I practice a healing modality myself and with clients, releasing emotional baggage that no longer serves our lives. Learning to set healthy respectful boundaries, break patterns, and unnecessary toxic habits. Once I established boundaries, I began to see remarkable results on the outside and healing on the inside. I started dropping weight, and getting rid of pain, frustrations, and stress, only to discovered clarity and peace within.

Speak truth first and foremost to myself

I released what was, to become what is. Most importantly, I needed to give myself grace, let go of shame, and allow myself to admit I needed help as I was just worn out. When we have a negative belief, it’s easy to put ourselves down for our faults. However, it’s essential to rewire our truths and create core positive beliefs.

We all have a journey. We all have a past and a story. However, that does not need to hold us hostage and be the repeating cycles of the future. We do not know what life is going to throw at us. Challenges are a necessary part of our journey. It may take weeks, months, or even years to achieve the goals you set. However, remember not to allow the construction to detour your whole life journey.

I’ve also been reminded when struggles happen, the people you supported may not be there to support you. That’s okay. Ask others for help and speak your truth. When you get real and raw with life, life will get real and raw with you. Throughout my journey, I’ve been able to:

  • discover my inner peace, as well as coach others through their transformation

  • wear my old wardrobe again

  • released emotional baggage, consciously and subconsciously

  • eliminate physical pain and illness

  • feel confident and full of energy

When we dive deep into our own healing, the realizations and releases are more than we can possibly imagine. It was truly some of the hardest work I’ve been through, yet most rewarding. Today, I’m honored to walk alongside people of all walks of life who have found success regardless of their situations or circumstances. It is time to give yourself permission to break free of what’s holding you back from your desired dreams and goals.

Are you Ready?

  • To resolve the deep-rooted patterns that persistently show up in many areas of your life.

  • To release chronic pain, fatigue, and discomfort.

  • To finally have the most rewarding breakthrough physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

It is time to invest in you! It is time to rise. Every step of the journey is the journey. Every up, every down, and every U-turn is a lesson. Turn what was pain into your passion, into your purpose. What I know is—to never ever give up. Stay true to yourself and make your dream become a reality.

About Amanda

Amanda Danielle is an expert in the healing industry with over 15 years of experience and 21 accumulated certifications. She thrives on empowering others to respectfully speak their truth and comfortably release emotional baggage within the mind, body, and soul.

With a competitive background, she has a passionate heart to bring awareness to others, helping them to dig deep to discover their inner peace, and to never ever give up. She mentors women to reconnect their courage and confidence, achieve goals, and permanently improve results in all areas of life. Visit Amanda at

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